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The Life&Standards®YouthClub (LSYC)

1. The Life&Standards®Promise

As part of your Life&Standards®Promise you will promise to behave with Decorum, Empathy, Etiquette, and Integrity online, across social media, and in the physical real world. In other words be polite, caring, honest, look out for each other, and think about what you say, post, and repost. 


2. LSYC Membership

To become a trusted member of LSYC you must complete an application questionnaire, the minimum age to apply for membership is 10 years old, (10-12 year olds should seek parental or teacher guidance when completing the questionnaire).  

3. Life&Standards®Promise Credits

You  will automatically be awarded with a promise credit by the Commercial Rights Holder. The promise credit will cover your annual promise fee and will automatically be renewed each year until your 18th birthday.

4. Life&Standards®YouthClub - Real World 

There will be YouthClub events and gatherings in association with schools and colleges who are signed up as development partners of Life&Standards®DotCom. Please ask your school or college if they are working with Life&Standards®DotCom. 

​​​5. Life&Standards®Podcast Participation

As an LSYC member you are able to record and submit a video or audio only podcast episode to be posted for broadcast. You can simply record your episode, with your friends, on your phone and send it to us. From there we will convert the recording to studio quality and upload to the Life&Standards®Dot.Com podcast

Recording Studio

Life&Standards®Commercial Rights Holder:

Asante Intellectual Property (AIP)

Suite 109172. PO Box 6945

London W1A 6US

Tel 0207 078 8893

ICO Registration No ZA55975

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