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© Life&Standards®Dot.Com
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Life & Standards®Dot.Com
Your Power. . .
“People of good intention should take you at your word, because your word is your bond, and your bond is your promise. . .If you break your word, then you break your bond, if you break your bond, then you break your promise. . .If you break your promise then your word no longer has value. . .If your word no longer has value, people of good intention have no reason to take seriously anything you have to say on any subject. . .This is the way of the world and should be expected. By choosing to make your personal 'life & standards® promise', to yourself, you are making a solemn declaration that your word shall remain your bond, and your bond shall remain your promise. This is what provides for authentic self-empowerment as well as constant self-discipline in all aspects of your life, therefore your promise is your power."
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